Melbourne CBD Peregrine Falcons Live Stream 2020/2021

Melbourne CBD Peregrine Falcons Live Stream 2020/2021

The following live stream is broadcasted from Melbourne CBD Victoria Australia. The peregrine Falcons have been living in the nest boxes on the building’s ledge since the early 1990s, Approximately 4 years ago a high-resolution camera was installed to monitor and to share the life of the Falcons to the world. We hope you enjoy […]

Single Digits Live Peregrine Falcon Nest Cam

Single Digits Live Peregrine Falcon Nest Cam

The comments section is meant to ask questions/comments about Peregrine Falcons as a learning tool for all, IT IS NOT TO BE USED AS A CHAT ROOM. We have been tolerant in the past but because of the number of people viewing the stream those who continue to use the comments section as a chat […]