TUTORIAL: Como usar sua Sony como WEBCAM para LIVE DIRETO no PC (Live Stream e Videoconferência)

Aprenda como usar sua SONY como uma WEBCAM TURBINADA Links para download Manual detalhado de como seguir o Tutorial: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H9NWXNd_7qCxciyh3oBbknKM6ZleO8l9/view?usp=sharing Sony Remote: https://imagingedge.sony.net/en-gb/ie-desktop.html OBS: https://obsproject.com/ Funciona com todas as cameras da linha Alpha incluindo: a6300 a6400 a6500 a6600 a7 II a7S II a7R II a7 III a7S III a7R III source
How to Use High-End Cameras as WebCam for High Quality Livestreams!

In this video, I show you how you can use any high-end camera(such as your Sony mirrorless like A7Riii, A7Rii, A7Sii, A6500,A6300, GH4, GH5, RED, camcorder, DSLR, etc…) as a webcam on your computer for high-quality livestreams. Most webcams are horrible in quality and this is a way to get much better quality. Would work […]