TUTORIAL: Como usar sua Sony como WEBCAM para LIVE DIRETO no PC (Live Stream e Videoconferência)

Aprenda como usar sua SONY como uma WEBCAM TURBINADA Links para download Manual detalhado de como seguir o Tutorial: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H9NWXNd_7qCxciyh3oBbknKM6ZleO8l9/view?usp=sharing Sony Remote: https://imagingedge.sony.net/en-gb/ie-desktop.html OBS: https://obsproject.com/ Funciona com todas as cameras da linha Alpha incluindo: a6300 a6400 a6500 a6600 a7 II a7S II a7R II a7 III a7S III a7R III source
USE SONY CAMERA AS A WEBCAM (NO CAPTURE CARD) PC ONLY a6300/a6400/a6500/a6600/a7sii/a7rii/a7riii

NEW METHOD HERE – https://youtu.be/8DQQs9JcjZM Using a Mac? If you are struggling to get this to work with a Mac, try this, go to ‘system preferences’ then into ‘security and privacy’ then find screen recording on the side and enable screen recording within OBS. hope that helps you! Information courtesy of Amauris Hernandez! FAQ’s about […]
How to Use High-End Cameras as WebCam for High Quality Livestreams!

In this video, I show you how you can use any high-end camera(such as your Sony mirrorless like A7Riii, A7Rii, A7Sii, A6500,A6300, GH4, GH5, RED, camcorder, DSLR, etc…) as a webcam on your computer for high-quality livestreams. Most webcams are horrible in quality and this is a way to get much better quality. Would work […]