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Welcome to our bird feeder live streaming webcam from Murrysville, Pennsylvania. The camera is broadcasting in HD resolution. The camera is located in an elevated position (~30′ high) in an mature oak tree wooded area. You will see a variety of songbirds common to this area that live in this settings. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Audubon Guide to North American Birds: https://www.audubon.org/bird-guide

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Pileated Woodpecker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r4cO6BR2uY
Baltimore Orioles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAukLnK0HIA
Rose-breasted grosbeak feeds fledgling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ucNlH–sQ

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LĖēoĖēgĖē ĖēFĖēeĖēeĖēdĖēeĖērĖē:Ėē Custom made from live black cherry wood. Log is approx 5″ in diameter and 30″ long. Holes are drilled with a 2 1/4″ forstner bit about 1 1/4″ deep. The log is a natural feeding station for woodpeckers and give them support for their tails that they need to feed and bark to grip. The feeder is also rigidly mounted. We break suet cakes into quarters and press them into the holes. These are the common suet cakes we get from Tractor Supply for $0.99 each. We typically use 2 cakes per day on this feeder. It attracts downy, hairy, red-bellies, and pileated woodpeckers. It is also used by blue jays & bluebirds.

Suet we find effective:
Royal Wing Woodpecker Suet: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/royal-wing-woodpecker-suet?cm_vc=-10005
Royal Wing Peanut Suet: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/royal-wing-peanut-suet?cm_vc=-10005

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We thoroughly enjoy being able to use our technology to share these educational experiences and unique insights into nature with our viewers. We are constantly looking for new opportunities to broadcast wildlife to our viewers!

ÂĐ PixCams 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from PixCams is strictly prohibited.

#livebirds, #birdfeeder, #birdcam


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