Today we’re playing 1 2 Switch for the Nintendo Switch LIVE! Please Nintendo, have a sense of humor.

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LIVE SHOUT-OUT FROM US = $10 via PayPal to

Donators via PayPal get a shout out, or we can roast each other, Emre can sing, Aaron can rolf, Adam can call you a horrible thing as Mickey Mouse/Stitch etcetera! You’re also entered into a Steam key contest. Tonight we’re giving away “Train Mechanic Simulator 2017”, “Axe, Bow & Staff”, and Frog Climbers. One winner gets all three keys.

We also accept Super Chat (the dollar symbol below the chat window). You get to write a comment or question AND support GSP. Your comment is highlighted in the chat, and we’ll read it right then and there. These donations will NOT enter you into the contest, but you’ll get an instant shout out and/or your question asked and answered live. The donation amount is entirely up to you, it ranges from $1 to $500. Any amount is appreciated.


Make sure to join our Patreon to get access to the After Party! A live Q&A only for backers.


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