This video demonstrates how to install VLC, find your webcam and configure to access it streaming over the network with a password for remote viewing. Hope you enjoy.
Here are some of the configurations used in the video, your specific configurations are likely to vary slightly.
Install VLC
sudo apt-get install vlc
Verify/locate Webcam
ls /dev/video*
Test Webcam
vlc v4l2:///dev/video0
cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-standard= :input-slave=alsa://hw:0,0 :live-caching=300 :sout=”#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=wma2,ab=128,channels=2, samplerate=44100}:http{dst=:2220/stream.wmv}”
Set Alias in .bash_alias
remotecam () {
cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-standard= :input-slave=alsa://hw:0,0 :live-caching
=300 :sout=”#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=wma2,ab=128,channels=2,
Thank you!