Hackers tap into home security cameras and livestream to hundreds | ABC News

The Ring, a company popular for making home security cameras, advises residents to use strong passwords, change passwords regularly and use different passwords for different websites. SUBSCRIBE to GMA https://bit.ly/2Zq0dU5 To read the full story and others, visit http://www.goodmorningamerica.com #GMA #Ring #Hackers #SecurityCameras source
Use Phone as Security Camera & Watch Remotely

In this video I show how to use your phone as a home security camera and track the video feed remotely as well. You will need to install two apps, IP Webcam app and Ivideon app. Download apps below. This is a free process, but if you some extra features you can pay for them. […]
Webcam Remote Streaming with Password – Ubuntu Linux 12.04

This video demonstrates how to install VLC, find your webcam and configure to access it streaming over the network with a password for remote viewing. Hope you enjoy. Here are some of the configurations used in the video, your specific configurations are likely to vary slightly. Install VLC sudo apt-get install vlc Verify/locate Webcam ls […]