West End Bald Eagle Cam powered by EXPLORE.org

From the west end of Catalina Island, where the sun sets over the ocean, watch as this lifelong pair of eagle parents lay and protect eggs, feed their chicks and teach them to hunt and fly. Visit the full multicam experience: http://explore.org #birdwatching #stayathome #withme This eagle pair is a success story, part of a […]
Frying Pan Ocean Cam powered by EXPLORE.org

Look far out into the Atlantic ocean and watch the weather shift and the day come and go from 34 miles off the coast. Learn more about why this is called the “Frying Pan” live cam on Explore.org @ https://goo.gl/i1SF1t. EXPLORE is the largest live nature cam network on the planet. We bring nature to […]
Kentucky Equine Adoption Center powered by Explore.org

Welcome to the 72-acre farm at Kentucky Equine Adoption Center. The horses seen here were surrendered due to abuse, abandonment, neglect, or from owners who can no longer care for them. Each horse will enter a retraining program to get it ready for adoption into a loving home. The goal is to make the right […]