The comments section is meant to ask questions/comments about Peregrine Falcons as a learning tool for all, IT IS NOT TO BE USED AS A CHAT ROOM. We have been tolerant in the past but because of the number of people viewing the stream those who continue to use the comments section as a chat room will be blocked for good! Also asking for subs, political, advertisements, or similar post will be cause for immediate blocking.

Working in conjunction with the New Hampshire Audubon and Brady Sullivan Properties, Single Digits is pleased to provide live streaming video of the Peregrine Falcons nesting at 1750 Elm Street in Manchester, NH. For 2016 we have installed two (2) High Definition cameras, one camera provides us with Point, Tilt & Zoom (PTZ) operation as well as infrared night vision. This camera will be rotated to view various parts of the nest. The second camera is a permanent view of the perch looking out over Manchester NH.

If you enjoy using our cameras please consider a donation to the NH Audubon Society at

UPDATE: PerchCam is now located at

2016 Banding of the Falcon:

Information NH’s Peregrine Falcon Project:

Fly with a Peregrine:

So just how fast is a Peregrine in a dive? See

Interesting facts on Peregrine Falcons:

2015 video of the banding:

Want to see more as to the camera install and nest size, check out:

5/11: The young are finding their feet, so keeping the camera on all 4 won’t be easy and the adults hear the movement of the camera so we only will move it when they are on the perch. But this means there will be times when you may not see all 4 young in frame.

5/09: We have added pictures of the camera install to our website (see above). First chick hatch Sunday Morning 5/1/16, 2nd later in the morning of 5/1/16. 3rd chick hatch morning of 5/3/16. 4th chick hatch morning of 5/4/16.


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