Welcome to our live hummingbird feeder cam! Below you can learn more about bird feeding and the birds you may see on this live cam.
My name is Carole and I have been consistently feeding hummingbirds for 9 years here at my home in Studio City, California, USA.
I am on a quest to photograph every single hummingbird species on the planet! There are over 350 types and I currently have photographed about 150 of them. Come with me virtually as I explore Central and South America to find the most beautiful hummingbirds in the world. A new video will be here every Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvenK5JPZT6_b_RZHpwPPAQF-1O2cJrC
Would you like to help us feed the hummingbirds and keep up streaming?
Any donation will help! Thank you!
PayPal: https://streamlabs.com/hummingbirdspot
*the username is allowed without spaces like “LoveBirds” not like “Love Birds”.
What species of hummingbirds can you see on this live bird cam?
Year-round, daily visitors: Anna’s, Allen’s
Summer only: Black-chinned
Spring and Fall Migration: Rufous
Rare: Costa’s, Calliope
A lot of Anna’s hummingbirds that stay with me in the winter will migrate further north when it gets warmer. But then some Black-chinned hummers will start migrating from Mexico to take their place. During migration you might see a Rufous or two, but they often look just like the Allen’s. There are a few Costa’s that hang out here, and I saw a Calliope once!
When do you fill the bird feeders?
The bird feeders get filled two to three times per day depending on the season. Winter is the busiest.
Where can I buy the exact same feeders, swings or ant moats?
Feeders: https://amzn.to/2VfxD5d
Swings: https://amzn.to/2w0sraE
Ant moats: https://amzn.to/32qYYmv
Are there hummingbird nests too?
I have never found a nest on the deck, but the males are starting to display now, so there will likely be nests in the area.
How do you feed the hummingbirds?
I make a sugar solution of one cup pure cane sugar to four cups of water. That contains sucrose in about the same amount that the hummingbirds will find naturally in flowers.
What camera is being used here?
Axis P-1447 LE Network Camera
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Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hummingbirdspot
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1817229608337170
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Website & blog: https://www.hummingbirdspot.com
Chat commands:
!feeders, !swings, !antmoats, !rules, !nectarmix, !newvideo, !weather, !weatherfor City Name, !hummingbirds, !videos, !cf
Commands for hummingbirds identification:
!femaleallens | !maleallens | !femaleannas | !maleannas | !femaleblackchinned | !maleblackchinned | !femalecostas | !malecostas | !malerufous | !malecalliope
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