At our live animal cam, live bear cam, live deer cam you can watch big bear, red deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, rabbit, wolf and other wild animals. The live nature and wildlife cameras are located in Transylvania, Romania, Europe. Big bears, boars, foxes and sometimes wolves comes after 6:00 PM local time and you can watch them all night with live night vision camera. 🐻🐗🐇🦌🦊🐾

🐻Dear viewers!

Thank you for all winter support on behalf of the animals. Our story continues with another chapter. With time warming up, our bears come in a row: Balu, Csipás, Beni, Goliath, Bearded, Rozsdás, Málna, Irénke, cubs, new bears and wild boars also.

As the Bear Watching Transylvania story shows, our goal is to keep wild animals in their natural habitat. We need more tons of maize/corn per month for this, depending on how many hungry stomachs we need to feed.

If you like the live stream and love to watch wild bears, wild boars, foxes, deer please support the feeding of the animals below.

Thank you from us and the animals.

God bless you all,


🐻 Would you like to donate?

🔴Public donation: * you can not use spaces in your Username: LoveBears – Correct, Love Bears – Incorrect
🔴Private donation: * the public donation will be showed on screen, the private donation not. Thank you for private donations too.

🌽Public Donators in August:

Caro, Topman, Justmike, Mojo, patrickdonnelly, ErnieM, jothompson

🐻 Would you like to visit our brown bear watching hides?
You can find out all about us on our website:

🐻 Why we do this?

Please watch the Story of the Bear Watching Transylvania video:
You will get response for a lot of questions and you will get to know the area from the aerial view.

📃 Chat commands: !trailer !Pityu !Csipas !Balu !Goliath !Bearded !Beni !rules !weather !snow !barrel !bale !whatdoesthefoxsay !wewish !newvideo !reddeer !redfox !location !boar !missthebears !weatherfor CityName

© 2020 Bear Watching Transylvania All Rights Reserved


Az élő medveles kameráink Erdélyben találhatóak, Gyergyószentmiklóstól 17 km-re. Leseinkbe nem csak medvét, hanem rendszerességgel vaddisznókat, őzeket, szarvasokat is láthatsz nagy számban!

Hálás köszönet Czirmai Csabának, aki 5,5 tonna kukoricával támogatta a medvelesünket!

🐻 Megszeretnéd látogatni a medvelesünket?
Mindent megtudhatsz rólunk a honlapunkon:

🐻 Támogatni szeretnél bennünket?
Az élő adást és a kezdeményezésünket az alábbi linken támogathatod:

🐻 Miért csináljuk ezt?

Kérünk tekintsd meg a Gyergyószentmiklósi Medveles Története című videónkat, amelyet ezen a linken találsz: Sok kérdésre választ fogsz kapni és megcsodálhatod a tájat is légi felvételből.

🔧Köszönjük az Egyed-I Hegesztés Akadémiának a vasszerkezeti munkák kivitelezését!


Observatoarele noastre de urși se află in cele mai frumoase zone Transilvănene, la 17 km distanță de Gheorgheni.

Mulțumim pentru Czirmai Csaba, cine ne-a donat 5,5 tone de porumb!

Urmărind transmisiunile noastre live, puteți să vă asigurați că observatoarele noastre se bucură de popularitate maximă, nu numai în Transilvania, dar și în toată Europa. La noi puteți observa pe lânga urși și alte animale sălbatice: porci mistreți, cerbi, căprioare.

🐻 Doriți să le vizitați observatorul de urs?
Pe pagina noastră web puteți afla tot despre noi:

🐻 Doriți să ne donați?
Dacă vă place transmisiunea directă și inițiativa noastră, ne puteti face donatii aici:

🐻 De ce ne ocupăm de urși?

Vă rugăm să le vizualizați clipul cu titlul Povestea Observatorului de Urși din Gheorgheni, accesând acest link:

🔧Mulțumim Academiei de sudură-Egyed pentru lucrările cu structură metalică!

#live #bear #deer


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