We have new kittens! Subscribe (and click the bell button) if you want to stay up to date with our current livestreams 🙂
*This is an ‘old’ recording from april 30th 2016* ———— Livestream of mother Leia and her 4 boys Finn (black kitten), Chewie (dark Cyprus) Boba (medium Cyprus) and Jango (lightest Cyprus). The kittens were born sunday the 10th of April. The mother cat was found in a garden and taken in by the local animal shelter ( http://dierenopvangcentrumtilburg.nl/ ). I’m taking care of the cats until they are strong and old enough to be adopted 🙂 If you’re from the Tilburg area you should check out the website if you’re interested in becoming a foster family as well! If you’re from another area there is probably a similar project available locally. Also please consider a donation to your local animal shelter 🙂 I stop the stream at night so the cats can have some privacy/naptime as well 😛
Please follow us on instagram 🙂 https://www.instagram.com/kittencamlive/